2020-07-02 14:07:28 来源: 浏览:


一、 主持项目:

1) 中央引导地方科技发展专项项目:秦巴山区(保康县)核桃精深加工关键技术集成与产业化示范(2018-2010)

2) 襄阳市科技计划研究与开发项目:碎米综合利用关键技术研发(2015)

3) 湖北省教育厅青年基金项目:氯霉素分子印迹聚合物的合成与应用(2011)

4) 襄阳市科技计划研究与开发项目:黄酒中嘌呤的产生机理及控制工艺(编号:2012)

二、 代表性论文:

1) C A A A B , D Y W A B , C F L A B , et al. Modeling of optimal green liquor pretreatment for enhanced biomass saccharification and delignification by distinct alteration of wall polymer features and biomass porosity in Miscanthus[J]. Renewable Energy, 2020.

2) B R Z N A , B Y Q H A , B B Y A , et al. Molecular insights into the inhibitory mechanisms of gallate moiety on the Aβ 1 – 40 amyloid aggregation: A molecular dynamics simulation study[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 156:40-50.

3) Wang P , Tang S W , Sheng F , et al. Crystallization, thermal stability, barrier property, and aging resistance application of multi-functionalized graphene oxide/poly(lactide)/starch nanocomposites[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 132:1208-1220.

4) Hu X Y , Zhang X , Chen D , et al. How much can we trust polysorbates as food protein stabilizers - The case of bovine casein[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 96(NOV):81-92.

5) D Y W A B , D M W A B , C L Y , et al. A mechanism for efficient cadmium phytoremediation and high bioethanol production by combined mild chemical pretreatments with desirable rapeseed stalks[J]. ence of The Total Environment, 708.

6) Peng Zou, Shangwen Tang, Zizheng Fu, Hanguo Xiong*,Isothermal and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of modified rape straw flour/high-density polyethylene composites,International Journal of Thermal Sciences,48(4),837-846,2009

7) Huali Tang, Hanguo Xiong*, Shangwen Tang,Peng Zou,A starch?ased biodegradable film modified by nano silicon dioxide,Journal of applied polymer science, 113(1),34-40,2009

8) Shangwen Tang, Peng Zou, Hanguo Xiong*, Huali Tang, Effect of nano-SiO2 on the performance of starch/polyvinyl alcohol blend films, Carbohydrate Polymers, 72(3), 521-526,2008

9) Hanguo Xiong*, Shangwen Tang,Huali Tang, Peng Zou, The structure and properties of a starch-based biodegradable film,Carbohydrate Polymers, 71(2),263-268,2008


1) 汤尚文,刘传菊,豁银强,于博,吴进菊,郭壮,阎华,李云捷. 一种中餐标准化数据采集系统和方法[P]. 湖北:CN106504131A,2017-03-15.

2) 汤尚文,刘传菊,豁银强,于博,吴进菊,郭壮,阎华,李云捷. 一种慢消化淀粉及其制备方法[P]. 湖北:CN106473100A,2017-03-08.

3) 汤尚文,刘相久,于博,豁银强,吴进菊,郭壮,夏小梅. 一种丹参酵素的生产方法[P]. 湖北:CN104012955A,2014-09-03.国家发明专利授权.

4) 汤尚文,刘相久,于博,豁银强,吴进菊,郭壮,夏小梅. 超微细化联合固态发酵提取丹参素的生产方法[P]. 湖北:CN104003866A,2014-08-27. 国家发明专利授权.

5) 超声技术在襄阳黄酒酿造中的应用,鄂科鉴字[2014]第14053055号;国内领先


1) 2018年第八届湖北省高等学校教学成果奖,一等奖

2) 2016年襄阳市技术发明奖,三等奖,丹参深加工技术研究及应用.

3) 2015.9,湖北文理学院第二届青年教师教学竞赛二等奖

4) 2015.9,湖北文理学院2014-2015学年度教学标兵



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